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Driveway and Parking Lots Paving and Repair Professionals

Elite Paving specializes in removing, repairing, and resurfacing parking lots and driveways using state-of-the-art equipment. No job is too big or too small! We take pride in being the top choice for all of your residential and commercial paving needs. We have helped thousands of homeowners, business owners, municipalities, and corporations throughout the Central Illinois area meet their driveway-related needs with confidence and ease.

We can help you find the right solutions to improve your curb appeal, increase your property value, and complement your beautiful home.

Why Choose Elite Paving

Saves Time

Hiring a professional crew for driveway paving can save you time. Our team with the right equipment and expertise can have your driveway paved within a few days.

Maximizes The Life of Your Pavement

When it comes to residential paving services, we put quality, durability, and satisfaction first. And because your driveway will last much longer, you can actually avoid calling for repair services, saving you money in the long run.

Quality Work

Our professionals will ensure that every job is done properly. We aim to meet your specifications and give you the best possible results.

Parking Lot Paving & Repairs

Ensuring adequate parking for your business does not have to break the bank. Elite Paving and Sealcoating will perform repairs, maintenance, and installation work on your asphalt parking lot. The best part? We provide the highest quality of workmanship and service.

Learn More About What We Can Offer By Calling Us Today!


  • New Construction Paving
  • Parking lots
  • Grading
  • Residential Paving
  • Maintenance
  • Asphalt Millings
  • Commercial Paving
  • Walkways/ Cart Paths
  • Hot Chip Sealing
  • Driveways
  • Crack Filling
  • White Rock

Asphalt Milling FAQs

What is asphalt milling?

Asphalt milling, also known as cold milling or pavement milling, is the process of removing a portion of the surface layer of an asphalt pavement using specialized milling equipment. This process helps to restore the pavement surface, improve ride quality, and prepare the pavement for resurfacing or rehabilitation.

When is asphalt milling used?

Asphalt milling is used to address various pavement distresses, including surface irregularities, rutting, cracking, and potholes. It is commonly employed as part of pavement rehabilitation projects to remove deteriorated asphalt layers and improve the overall condition of the pavement.

How does asphalt milling work?

Asphalt milling involves the use of milling machines equipped with rotating cutting drums to remove the desired depth of asphalt pavement. The milling machine grinds up the asphalt surface into small particles, which are then collected and transported away from the work area. The depth of milling can vary depending on the project requirements and the extent of pavement damage.

What are the benefits of asphalt milling?

Asphalt milling offers several benefits, including: Restoring pavement smoothness and ride quality; Removing surface irregularities, rutting, and other pavement distresses; Improving the bond between the existing pavement and new overlay or surface treatment; Enhancing drainage and surface friction; Recycling asphalt material for reuse in new pavement construction

Is asphalt milling environmentally friendly?

Asphalt milling is considered environmentally friendly because it allows for the recycling of existing asphalt material, reducing the need for new aggregate and asphalt production. Additionally, milling operations generate less waste compared to traditional pavement removal methods.

How long does asphalt milling take?

The duration of asphalt milling depends on various factors, including the size and complexity of the project, the depth of milling required, and the availability of equipment and manpower. Small-scale milling projects may be completed in a day or two, while larger projects may take several days or weeks to finish.

Is traffic disruption expected during asphalt milling?

Asphalt milling may cause temporary disruption to traffic flow, as sections of the roadway may need to be closed or restricted to accommodate milling equipment and ensure worker safety. However, efforts are typically made to minimize traffic disruptions and maintain access for residents and businesses in the area.

Asphalt Resurfacing/Overlay FAQs

What Is Asphalt Overlay?

An asphalt overlay is a pavement maintenance technique that involves applying a new layer of asphalt over an existing pavement surface. It helps to restore the appearance, functionality, and structural integrity of the pavement without the need for complete reconstruction.

When is an asphalt overlay recommended?

Asphalt overlays are recommended for pavements with minor to moderate surface distresses such as cracking, rutting, or minor surface irregularities. They are suitable for extending the life of the pavement and improving ride quality.

What are the benefits of an asphalt overlay?

Asphalt overlays provide a cost-effective solution for rejuvenating worn-out pavements. They improve surface smoothness, enhance skid resistance, and restore pavement aesthetics. Additionally, overlays can help to waterproof and protect the underlying pavement structure from moisture and UV damage.

How long does an asphalt overlay last?

The longevity of an asphalt overlay depends on various factors such as traffic volume, climate, pavement condition, and quality of materials and construction. Generally, overlays can last anywhere from 8 to 15 years or more with proper maintenance.

How is an asphalt overlay installed?

The installation of an asphalt overlay typically involves several steps: surface preparation, including cleaning and repairing existing pavement defects; application of a tack coat to promote adhesion between the existing pavement and the new overlay; placement and compaction of the new asphalt layer; and final finishing and curing.

Can an asphalt overlay be applied to concrete surfaces?

Asphalt overlays are designed specifically for asphalt pavements and are not suitable for application on concrete surfaces. However, there are alternative overlay options available for concrete pavements, such as concrete overlays or polymer-modified overlays.

How soon can traffic resume after an asphalt overlay?

Traffic can typically resume shortly after the completion of an asphalt overlay, once the new pavement has cooled and cured sufficiently. However, it's essential to follow any specific instructions provided by the contractor regarding traffic restrictions and speed limits during the initial curing period.

Asphalt Reconstruction FAQs

What is asphalt reconstruction?

Asphalt reconstruction involves the complete removal and replacement of deteriorated asphalt pavement, including the base layers, if necessary, to restore the surface to a new condition.

When is asphalt reconstruction necessary?

Asphalt reconstruction becomes necessary when the existing pavement is severely damaged, with extensive cracks, potholes, or structural failures that cannot be effectively repaired through patching or resurfacing.

How long does asphalt reconstruction take?

The duration of asphalt reconstruction varies depending on the size and complexity of the project. It can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks, including preparation, removal, base construction, and paving.

What are the steps involved in asphalt reconstruction?

The typical steps in asphalt reconstruction include assessment and planning, demolition and removal of existing pavement, preparation of the subgrade and base layers, installation of new base materials (if needed), and finally, paving with new asphalt.

Is asphalt reconstruction expensive?

Asphalt reconstruction can be more expensive than patching or resurfacing due to the extensive work involved, including removal and replacement of multiple layers. However, it is often a more cost-effective long-term solution compared to frequent repairs of a deteriorating pavement.

How do I know if my pavement needs reconstruction or just repairs?

Signs that your pavement may require reconstruction include widespread cracking, rutting, extensive potholes, or base failure. A professional assessment by an experienced contractor can help determine the most appropriate course of action.

Can asphalt reconstruction be done in stages?

Yes, in some cases, asphalt reconstruction can be completed in stages, particularly for large areas or areas with budget constraints. However, it's essential to ensure that each stage is properly planned and executed to avoid compromising the overall quality and longevity of the pavement.

What are the benefits of asphalt reconstruction?

Asphalt reconstruction provides a durable, long-lasting pavement surface that improves safety, aesthetics, and property value. It also reduces ongoing maintenance costs associated with frequent repairs of deteriorated pavement.

Hot Chip Sealing FAQs

What is hot chip sealing?

Hot chip sealing, also known as chip sealing or chip sealing with hot asphalt emulsion, is a pavement surface treatment that involves applying a layer of hot liquid asphalt emulsion to the road surface, followed by spreading a layer of aggregate (chips) over the emulsion. The chips are then compacted into the emulsion to create a durable, protective seal.

What are the benefits of hot chip sealing?

Hot chip sealing helps to waterproof and protect the underlying pavement from moisture, UV rays, and traffic wear. It also restores surface friction, enhances skid resistance, and improves the appearance of the road. Additionally, it can extend the life of the pavement at a lower cost compared to other surface treatments.

When is hot chip sealing used?

Hot chip sealing is typically used on low-traffic roads, rural roads, residential streets, and parking lots that have minor surface distresses such as small cracks, raveling, or oxidation. It is also effective for preventive maintenance to extend the life of asphalt pavements.

How long does hot chip sealing last?

The longevity of hot chip sealing depends on various factors such as traffic volume, climate, and the quality of materials and application. Generally, hot chip sealing can last anywhere from 5 to 10 years or more with proper maintenance.

Is hot chip sealing environmentally friendly?

Hot chip sealing is considered environmentally friendly because it utilizes recycled materials (such as recycled asphalt) and requires less energy and resources compared to other pavement treatments. It also helps to reduce pavement deterioration and the need for more extensive repairs, which can have environmental benefits.

How soon can traffic resume after hot chip sealing?

Traffic can typically resume shortly after the chip sealing process is completed and the emulsion has cooled and cured. However, it's essential to follow any specific instructions provided by the contractor regarding traffic restrictions and speed limits during the curing period.

Can hot chip sealing be applied to concrete surfaces?

Hot chip sealing is primarily designed for asphalt pavements, but it can also be applied to concrete surfaces in some cases. However, proper surface preparation and compatibility testing are essential to ensure adhesion and performance.