Asphalt pavements have many advantages over pavement surfaces constructed using other materials.
Commercial Property Management Tasks that Have Great ROI
Whether you are a commercial property manager or whether you simply have a commercial property that you are tasked with taking care of, it’s important that you think through maintaining it. Adding value to your property can happen in a variety of ways. Making the best decision about your property starts with careful research about your situation.
Having great landscaping goes a long way in making a great first impression with whoever comes to your commercial property. Doing the work to have a well-manicured lawn, pruned trees, and a clean building façade sends the message that your company is professional and capable.
As you think about how to keep your landscaping looking neat and clean, there are a variety of ways you can minimize the cost of upkeep while not sacrificing on quality. If you don’t love the idea of having to continue to mow your lawn out front, you might want to invest in putting in a fake lawn. These lawns appear like grass but because they are fake, there will be virtually no cost of upkeep.
Solar Panels
Getting solar panels can be a great way to reduce some of your utility costs each month. Figuring out the best solar panel option for you will take some time and effort. Do your research to understand if there are various tax credits available to you for installing solar panels—tax credits vary by state, but generally, there are tax benefits that you can access if you install solar panels.
You should also think about what kind of solar panels to install. Depending on where you are located, you might be able to install a certain number of solar panels and be able to completely power your building with the power from them. This is usually only possible if you live somewhere with constant sun throughout the year.
If you don’t get that much sun, solar panels could still be a great way for you to downplay some of your utilities costs, but you’ll just want to work with a variety of experts to figure out the best option for you.
Window Tinting
Adding window tinting is another important way to add value to your commercial property. Window tinting can help make your building more comfortable for those inside—if you notice that there are certain rooms where the sun seems to glare, adding tinting to the windows can reduce some of that glare while still allowing you to keep your curtains and shades open. Additionally, window tinting your building can lower your utility bills and give it an excellent return on your investment. The tint filters out light and the accompanying heat.
Energy Efficient Machines
Energy efficient appliances, printers, and even lightbulbs will definitely help you lower some of your costs while reducing your environmental impact. Figuring out how to switch to more energy efficient machines and appliances will vary depending on where your company is at right now. If you have not yet decided on a building location, try and find a way to actually purchase the different machines you need and to purchase energy-efficient versions.
If you are situated in an older building currently and are already using older appliances, computers, printers, etc., think about how you might want to switch over. Build a plan to improve your environmental contribution and reduce costs by implementing one change at a time. Maybe start with something small like your lightbulbs—designate some funds in a given month to go through and replace your current light bulbs with LED bulbs. Then, try and sell your used bulbs to get some cash back.
Gutter Upkeep
Keeping up your gutters may not be something that is on the top of your to-do list automatically. But keeping your gutters clean goes a long way in maintaining the health of your building. This is especially important if you live in an area where it rains or snows frequently. If your gutters are not cleaned, silt, twigs, leaves, and other material can build up and block the gutter.
When it rains or snows, the water or melt-off will not be able to run down through the gutter and will likely end up flowing down the sides of your building. When this happens repeatedly, your building’s outer structure can start to weaken, leading to bigger issues like mold or other things like rotted wood siding. Taking the effort every year to ensure your gutters are working properly will save you money on repairs in the long-run.
Parking Lot Maintenance
Having a clean, smooth parking lot has a bigger impact than you might initially imagine. First off, a smooth well-working parking lot will keep your employees, customers, and visitors safe. Surprisingly, there is a good number of accidents that occur in parking lots. Reducing the number of potholes and cracks in your lot will help reduce these numbers for you as well as reducing the frequency of incidents where people trip.
Additionally, the quicker you catch and address issues with pavement, the more effectively you’ll be able to prevent bigger problems that could result in having to completely redo the parking lot’s concrete.
General Repairs
One of the best ways to ensure that you are getting a great ROI is to keep up on repairs and maintenance. The importance of taking care of things is especially important and applicable when it comes to your building. Make sure you hire a building manager that you trust—do your research about their past experience and previous buildings they have managed.
If you have someone in the position you can trust, you’ll be able to have peace of mind about the state of your building, your building costs, and the continued value of your real estate over time.
As you figure out how to get the best ROI on your commercial property, make sure you don’t cut corners with your research. Understanding your particular situation with your company will help you be informed regarding areas of your property that could be improved for the best ROI. Then, implement changes one at a time.
Read this next: How Asphalt Helps Business Owners
How Asphalt Helps Business Owners
It’s time for you to get a new parking lot or driveway for your business, but you aren’t sure what type of pavement you want to use. Have you ever considered asphalt paving in Champaign, Mahomet, and Monticello, Illinois, for your paving purposes? You may be surprised at just how beneficial this option can be to your business. The benefits that it provides far outweigh its few downsides and give you the best chance of getting the incredible driveway that you want and deserve.
Less Expensive as a Paving Option
Business owners who want to save money on their driveways and parking lots may want to consider asphalt paving as their best possible choice. That’s because asphalt is cheaper than other types and provides many benefits that you can’t get from different types. Asphalt merely is more natural to make and pour, which cuts down both on the manufacturing and the pouring prices. In this way, getting the most out of asphalt without having to pay a lot of money is possible.
And this inexpensive nature makes it easy to pour a large amount and cover a majority of a parking lot and driveway without having to cut back on costs. That’s why you see so many roads and commercial parking areas using asphalt. Though it may be a bit “hot” to the touch in the sun – and may cause hotter parking lots – the lower price more than makes up for this minor benefit. Even better, it is easier to upkeep than most types of parking lots and should save you m0oney there as well.
For example, maintenance of asphalt requires you only to clean the surface once every few weeks and apply a sealcoat every few years. Compare that to concrete, which may require a lot more heavy-duty work, and you’re going to find that you’re saving yourself money in the long-term. And while asphalt may not be quite as attractive as concrete, when adequately stained, it can be surprisingly appealing and provide a beautiful look to your home that is hard to get in any other way.
Much Safer for Business Owners
Business owners may not realize how much the quality and type of their paving materials can affect the safety of their parking lots or driveways. That’s because these areas are often where their customers run into problems with weather and other issues that may make them unsafe. Thankfully, asphalt is among the safest paving type that you can get for this situation. It will help to protect your business in ways that you may not expect and avoid unnecessary complications.
Why is asphalt paving safer than other types of pavement? There are a few reasons. First of all, it stays warmer in winter due to its unique texture. As a result, it naturally melts ice more rapidly and keeps the pavement surface free from this slippery problem. In this scenario, your asphalt driveway will not be home to nearly as many slip and fall injuries or even car crashes than if you had installed concrete or other types of paving options.
Just as importantly, asphalt has a higher contrast with the snow, making it easier to find and track during heavy snowstorms. And its texture also helps to stop spraying and splashback during rain and winter storms, which prevents people from slipping while they drive. All of these benefits make asphalt a much safer choice and a hard one not to consider. Add that to the fact that it will last longer than many other types of pavement, and you have an option that is pretty hard to top.
Enhanced Smoothness and Ride Capability
If you want your driveway to look as beautiful as possible while also being safe and free of blemishes, asphalt is the way to go. While concrete can produce very smooth surfaces and keep your driveways and parking lots looking great, asphalt is much more uniform. This uniformity is caused by the very design and materials used in asphalt, which is typically a much more refined type of rock and paving material than you can get in any others of paving types.
This smoother surface design makes your pavement last longer and helps protect your customers’ cars at the same time. Rather than having to deal with potentially popped tires and other issues that may be caused by bumpy rides, your customers will have a smooth feel whenever they visit. This benefit not only helps to protect their cars but also makes your business seem a safer and more enjoyable place to visit, enhancing your bottom line in many ways.
Just as importantly, this smoothness also produces a better fuel economy for your customers when they visit you. While asphalt paving won’t cut down that much on fuel loss, the small amounts extended over a lengthy period can significantly minimize your Co2 output. This benefit can make your parking lot more comfortable for your customers and may result in you being rewarded with economic benefits due to your greener status. And don’t forget – asphalt can be recycled more easily.
Much Quieter
Lastly, when you use asphalt for your driveways and parking lots, you are cutting down on excessive noise that may impact your business by annoying your customers. This benefit is crucial in ways you may not expect. First of all, people driving on your asphalt won’t notice near as much noise and may be able to hear outside better, making it more straightforward for them to drive without distraction. As a result, your customers won’t suffer nearly as much noise pollution and find it easier to enjoy their visit.
Just as importantly, the amount of noise produced in your asphalt paving parking lot will be much lower for those walking to your business. This decrease will make your business feel like a more comfortable and enjoyable place to visit. Just as importantly, it will decrease the risk of accidents by making it easier for people to hear noises near them due to a lack of excessive noise. All these benefits help to make your business safe for your customers and you.
Don’t Neglect This Paving Option
If you’ve always thought that asphalt was a chintzy option for your business, you’ve been making a mistake for years. Asphalt paving in Champaign, Mahomet, and Monticello, Illinois, is among the most reliable and strongest on the market. And the benefits that it provides can be substantial and opens you up to many years of sturdy and durable pavement. Please don’t hesitate to contact us at Elite Paving & Sealcoating to get the help you need with this pavement option.
Avoiding Asphalt Damage This Winter
Winter is entirely upon us and could cause a lot of devastating damage to asphalt driveways and parking lots, particularly older ones. Thankfully, the best asphalt repair Champaign, Mahomet, and Monticello, Illinois has to offer can help. When you contact us at Elite Paving & Sealcoating, you can schedule these repairs and maintenance methods for your driveway. Doing so will save you a lot of money and ensure that you are protected from various types of damage for years to come.
Understand Winter Damage Risks
Asphalt is a powerful paving option and one of the best for those who need winter protection. That’s because it resists cold temperature changes, ice, wind, and snow better than almost any other type of paving option. That said, asphalt is not immune to damage of this type. Unfortunately, there is a good chance that it could experience some loss if you aren’t too careful.
For example, the summer heat can be particularly damaging to asphalt and expand its surface in a variety of ways. When this happens, you may end up with a surface that is cracked or open to various types of damage. Even worse, there is a good chance that the surface could be impacted by ice and snow, which can trigger a multitude of issues that home and business owners may not anticipate.
As a result, you need to consider asphalt repair and maintenance techniques every winter season. These steps are relatively simple and shouldn’t take a lot of excess work to manage. The steps below are among the most potent and effective ways of handling this problem. Follow them to ensure that you get the best results and to protect your driveway from severe damage for years to come.
Keep the Asphalt Clean of Debris
A good driveway should be strong enough to withstand damage from a broad array of different contaminants. However, it would help if you still cleaned off your driveway before snow hits. For example, you need to clean up all dirt, gasoline stains, mold, and other elements that may have built upon a driveway over the years. Doing so is critical for a number of reasons.
First of all, when snow falls on top of a stained driveway, the stains will get trapped and will be allowed to wear away on the surface of the driveway. Even worse, contaminants such as these can also freeze and thaw and cause even more damage to asphalt. Therefore, it is critical to talk to asphalt repair and maintenance professionals to learn more about this process for your needs. Doing so can help to make this process easier to handle.
Do you need to call experts for this kind of cleaning? Probably because many types of stains can be hard to remove. Gasoline, in particular, has a nasty way of working down into your pavement and becoming very hard to eliminate. Mold is also a real problem because the spores will spread rapidly and damage your asphalt in many areas. So call professionals and get your driveway cleaned using high-quality treatment options, such as de-molding and much more.
Fix Potholes Immediately
Winter has a nasty way of turning small imperfections in a driveway into a severe danger. That’s because the snow, ice, melted water, and cold temperatures of the sizes can trigger the development of potholes. These holes can occur throughout the surface of a driveway without warning and may be very hard to repair without help. You shouldn’t try to manage this type of repair on your own, though, because there are too many possible complications if you end up making a mistake.
For example, an asphalt repair specialist can come to your home and fill in all potholes to ensure that they don’t become more considerable. Potholes may appear out of nowhere, particularly during the winter, and need to be maintained appropriately to avoid worsening damage. Just as importantly, all potholes must be covered with patches or other types of repair methods. Doing so will help to make sure that the cold of the winter environment doesn’t further damage the deeper areas of a driveway’s surface.
Just as importantly, you need to make sure that you are very careful about how you de-ice your driveway. That’s because salt and other types of melting tools have a nasty way of working into potholes and making them worse. So pay attention to this facet to ensure that your driveway is protected. This step includes ensuring that all potholes get sealed up as soon as possible and to keep them from developing again on the surface of your driveway or parking lot.
Get a Sealcoat
Lastly, you’re going to need to get a sealcoat to protect your driveway fully. Although you may not be able to install one during the winter, you can get t once the weather warms up. The temperature should be at least 70 degrees Fahrenheit for several days straight before you get a sealcoat. Although this process is something that you can’t do now, getting it done later does provide you with many benefits.
First of all, sealcoating helps to keep winter weather from expanding the asphalt surface and causing more damage. That’s because a good sealcoat is designed to be protective and robust in all temperature conditions. Just as importantly, a sealcoat can ensure that a driveway is protected from mold, ice, rain, snow, and other weather conditions that can easily trigger even more damage on a driveway. This damage can spiral out of control and make asphalt a pothole-filled mess.
So perform all of the steps mentioned above to keep your driveway secure through the winter. And then, once the snow has melted and the temperature is stable, get a sealcoat. This process is one that you only need to do once every 5-10 years or so because a typical coating should last at least that long. Make sure to talk to asphalt repair specialists about this process, as well, to ensure that it is finished correctly and that your driveway stays in great shape for years to come.
Help is Available With Us
As you can see, keeping your driveway protected from damage doesn’t have to be a significant challenge. The best asphalt repair Champaign, Mahomet, and Monticello, Illinois, have to offer can provide many great benefits. So please don’t hesitate to contact us at Elite Paving & Sealcoating right away to learn more. Our experts have years of experience working in this field and fully understand how to help you. We can provide you with the maintenance and repairs necessary to keep your driveway secure.
Making Your Asphalt Look More Attractive
Creating the most attractive asphalt Champaign, Mahomet, or Monticello, Illinois has to offer can be a tough task for many homeowners. Thankfully, it is possible to upgrade your driveway in a myriad of ways to make it more alluring and engaging. The following tips are some of the most successful and beneficial ways of enhancing your driveway’s look and making it meet your lofty standards.
Integrate Decorative Flowers
First of all, you can make a somewhat blank and potentially bland piece of asphalt look more attractive by adding some bits of flowers or vegetation to the side. These flowers help by bringing more color to your driveway. Try to create unique contrasts and complementary designs to ensure things look great. Beyond that, you should also try to find plants and flowers that go well with your home or your commercial building.
Typically, flowers of all kinds make a great selection here. However, some people may enjoy small and low shrubs, particularly as a way of dividing up parking lots. This step is a good one because it creates a consistent look that is both alluring and interesting to you and your visitors. Make sure to keep these shrubs pruned regularly to not only protect their health but to make them look more attractive and less wild and unkempt.
However, you need to make sure that the pavement is very strong and resistant to root damage. Though flowers and other plants don’t have the same kind of intensive roots as trees, they may still work their way into your pavement if you aren’t careful. A root barrier around this spot is a good idea because it can keep the plants and flowers from causing persistent and problematic damage to your driveway.
Do Some Repairs
While vegetation and various types of natural decorations enhance the look and style of your driveway, you need to make sure to do any repairs that may be necessary. For example, any large or unsightly cracks or potholes are not only unattractive but potentially dangerous. They will cause damage to cars and create a tripping danger that makes them too problematic to tolerate in any instance.
The most problematic element of this damage is the way that it spreads. A large crack will continue to grow across the surface of your pavement, particularly when winter and summer hits. As a result, it is essential to pay attention to these issues and to contact a professional to do high-quality repairs. These experts should have the skills necessary to repair your pavement at a reasonable price.
The best way to minimize the necessity of these repairs is maintenance. For example, sealcoating the surface helps to protect it against various types of damage and ensures that it remains active. You should also make sure to fix any minor cracks or breaks in the pavement surface as they appear. Fixes like these add years of life to asphalt and make it durable and resistant to many types of damage.
Improve Your Signs
The signage near a parking lot may not seem important, but it can be used to enhance the style of your asphalt in a variety of ways. For example, you can place attractive signs near your parking lot or driveway that have a similar or complementary color to your pavement. In this way, you can create an exciting contrast and style that is hard to develop in any other way. Just as importantly, you can give your guests vital information during their visit.
For example, some signs help showcase where a person can park when visiting a home or a business. These types of signs are more important for companies because they showcase where handicap drivers can park and help direct commercial traffic, such as delivery drivers. However, signs can also be used in homes to make a more fun environment around your parking lot.
For instance, you could add a “Best Friend Parking ONLY” sign where your friend likes to park when they visit. You can add similar signs for other members of the family but should avoid overdoing it, as always, to ensure that you create a light touch that is fun without being overbearing. In this way, you can make your driveway more attractive without coming across as gaudy or too cheeky.
Enhance Lighting
Lastly, lighting is an integral part of keeping your asphalt attractive and appealing to people near you. First of all, light helps to not only showcase your driveway and make it easier to see but also makes it safer. This step is particularly crucial if you are trying to upgrade a parking lot and want to make sure that your customers are safer whenever they visit. Thankfully, this step is relatively simple.
Examine the lighting options that you currently have around your driveway or parking lot. You should have at least a few lights nearby that can show off the asphalt during the night and on darker days. Parking lots likely have tall poles topped with lights that you can use. You may also want to add more lighting around the perimeter of your building near the driveway to enhance this effect.
Don’t overdo it by adding overpowered lights, however, as this can be a distraction. For example, excessively-bright lights may be against a neighborhood’s zoning commission and may result in fines or complaints. The same is true of commercial facilities – make sure to check with your lighting pollution rulings to make sure that you don’t add too strong of lights to your home or driveway.
Get the Help That You Need
So if you need high-quality help for your asphalt in Champaign, Mahomet, or Monticello, Illinois, please contact us at Elite Paving & Sealcoating to learn more about how we can help. Our professionals have years of experience working with people like you and will strive to create the best driveway or parking lot that you need.